Company Password Security

Company Password Security: The Importance of Keeping Safe

Including FREE Company Password Security Guide

How seriously are you taking the security of your company passwords? Security is something that is all around us. We lock our cars, our houses and our phones.

Have you ever walked away from your car or house and then gone back to check you locked it, even though you are sure you did?

We alarm our houses. Sometimes we even go back and double check that too!

But what about your company passwords for your work computers?

  • How secure are your company passwords?
  • How secure are your staff’s passwords?
  • How sure are you that no one is sharing their company passwords, or leaving post-it notes of passwords on their computer screens (it happens!)

Now I know Cyber Security is a topic for tech experts but it is also a topic that every business person needs to be involved in, whether you like it or not.

Did you know that in 2021 the most common password in the world was 123456* (and for the previous 2 years).

It can take hackers LESS than a second to crack that password.

We know what it’s like to run a business, and the pressures that are on both the business owners and staff – and trying to remember passwords is another thing that many find difficult to keep control of.

However, if you don’t, then the consequences can be severe, costing a small fortune to rectify. So not taking company password safety seriously is dangerous.

As a business owner you need to ensure that your staff are doing their bit to keep your company safe, and that means your company passwords too.

We’ve put together a FREE Safe Company Password Guide to help YOU keep YOUR business stay safe.

Simply click here.

Happy reading, I hope you enjoy it.

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